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Latest News with Hubands Energy

Maximum solar reliability

Solar safety reports from the field

Travis Kask 0 3403 Article rating: No rating

In many Austrian states, solar uptake has been some of the fastest growth in the world thanks to government subsidies.  This huge demand has driven the price of solar systems down and many installers are using cheaper solar panels, string inverter, and even DC Isolator to have the lowest cost systems.  The Austrian media have been shining the light on solar safety recently, with both the SMH and ABC News reporting on the failings of DC isolators.

Hubands Bowls Tournament

Waipu Bowling Club

Travis Kask 0 3371 Article rating: 5.0

Waipu Bowling Club recently held the annual Hubands Energy Regional Bowling Competition.  This competition drew 20 teams from Hikurangi in the north, Mangawhai in the south and west to Maungaturoto.  


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