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Selectronic Certified String Inverter
Hubands Energy

Selectronic Certified String Inverter

Fronius Primo

Managed AC Coupling with Selectronic Certified grid-tie inverters
Using our highly acclaimed Managed AC Coupling topology, the SP PRO controls the PV output in 1% increments, allowing for perfect control of your solar power system.

Want solar but not ready to add battery storage?

Using a Selectronic Certified grid-tie inverter allows you to have a grid-tie power system today andadd a fully managed storage system at a later date. This is a cost-effective, future ready solution.

Benefits of using Selectronic Certified

  • No frequency changes when off-grid or when grid has failed
  • Precise battery charging Grid inverter data is displayed in SP LINK monitoring software
  • Allows for small capacity batteries to be connected
  • Allows for utility-controlled battery discharging (if grid-connected)
  • Allows more AC coupled PV in grid-connect systems
  • Allows more PV to be connected and available when grid fails
  • Export limiting capability when grid-connected with an SP PRO
  • Go completely off-grid when AC coupled with an SP PRO
  • Allows a backup generator to be connected when AC coupled with an SP PRO
  • The foundation of the ultimate solar power system

A Selectronic Certified grid-tie inverter is the first step in building a system with maximum efficiency and ultimate flexibility using Selectronic’s Managed AC Coupling technology.

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