0800 482 263     sales@hubands.co.nz   15 Kioreroa Road, Whangarei (View Map)


Current Specials at Hubands Energy

Categories: Central Vac

Central Vacuum Cleaner System


Are you serious about cleaning? Talk to us about a central vacuum cleaner system

A Smart healthier way to clean your home

If you’re done with the inconvenience, mess, and hassle of conventional vacuum cleaners, you can revolutionise the way you clean with a central vacuum system. Built-in cleaning systems are quieter and cause less hassle, while also removing dirt, dust, and other allergens more effectively. We supply, install, and maintain central vacuum cleaner systems to homes all over Whangarei and can assist you with a cleaning solution that meets your needs.

Retractable - The hose is stored in the central vacuum tubing int the wall.  Not in your closet.  Pull. Vacuum. Retract. 

Perfect Length - Always the perfect length of hose.  With the patented locking system, you will have full cleaning power at any length.  You don't have to pull our 18m of hose to clean up the mess just 3m away.

Versatile - Pick an attachment and vacuum carpet, tile, hardwood, stairs, windowsills, baseboards, upholstery, curtains, cupboards, fans, lint traps, mattresses, pet beds, cobwebs, over, under, down low, up high. 

Quiet - The central vacuum power unit is installed int eh garage or utility room.  The noise is away from your living space.

Value - Invest in your home with a central vacuum system that has a life expectancy of 20+ years, keeping broken-down portables out of the landfill.

Healthy - Dirt is removed through central vacuum piping in the wall, not stirred up and recirculated in the air.  No more drifting particles and no more vacuum smell, giving your allergies a break.

Powerful - Central vacuum power units are up to 5 times more powerful than portable vacuums. More Power = Less Dirt.



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